Sheriff School Safety Meeting Search

In accordance with Local Government Code, Chapter 85.024, the sheriff of a county with a total population of less than 350,000 in which a public school is located shall call and conduct semiannual school safety meetings. These meetings are held with various community stakeholders to discuss the following topics: school safety, coordinated law enforcement response to school violence incidents, law enforcement agency capabilities, available resources, emergency radio interoperability, chain of command planning, and other related subjects proposed by a person in attendance at the meeting.

The sheriff is required to submit a report to the Texas School Safety Center identifying the attendees of the meeting and the topics discussed. The Texas School Safety Center maintains the meeting reports, which can be accessed in the table below allowing for search by county.

For more information about the Sheriff School Safety Meeting, please contact

Select a County and/or Fiscal Year to filter results

County Sheriff Name Agency Name Meeting Date