Basic Plan Toolkit

3.0 Additional Resources

This section provides additional resources from the Texas School Safety Center, state, and federal agencies. The following agency resources are organized by the logical order of use in each of the three categories.

  • Texas School Safety Center Resources

  • The Five Phases of Emergency Management Approved Definitions
    • This document contains the definitions for each of the five phases of emergency management as approved by the Texas School Safety Center in conjunction with the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and the Commissioner of Education or the Commissioner of Higher Education.
  • School Safety and Security Committee Guidelines and FAQs
    • This document clearly explains the guidelines mandated in Texas Education Code 37.109 concerning the School Safety and Security Committee. Additionally, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions of the Texas School Safety Center concerning this Committee.
  • Blank Hazard-Specific Annex Template
    • This blank template is provided for use when a district has the need, based on the results of their district’s hazard analysis, to create annexes beyond those recommended by the Texas School Safety Center.
  • Safety and Security Agreements Toolkit
    • This toolkit will assist you with understanding and creating formal agreements you can enter into with other districts, individuals, businesses, and response agencies.
  • After-Action Review Template for Districts and Campuses
    • This template is provided for use when conducting an after-action review. It is a best practice to complete an after-action review after every drill, exercise, scheduled event, and incident.
  • Sample Completed After-Action Review Template
    • This document is an example of what a completed after-action review document would look like after a fire drill.
  • Best Practices for Safety in Portable Instructional Buildings
    • This document outlines safety and security best practices developed to assist schools in ensuring student safety and the safety of all persons in portable buildings used for instruction.
  • EOP Review Specialist Interactive Map
    • This map provides contact information for the Texas School Safety Center Emergency Operations Plan Review Specialists ready to assist public school districts, open-enrollment charters, and junior colleges develop compliant plans.
  • State Resources

  • Texas Education Code 37.108
    • Texas Education Code 37.108 is the main section of Texas Code addressing multi-hazard emergency operations planning; you need to be very familiar with this Section.
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (to locate your Local Emergency Planning Committee)
    • This website has a link to a document that lists all Texas Local Emergency Planning Committees. This is who to contact if you have questions about hazardous materials near your district facilities.
  • Guidelines for Multihazard Emergency Operations
    • TEA has established guidelines, for districts to include in their EOPs, to ensure the safety and security of students and staff with disabilities or impairments. Per Texas Education Code, 37.1086(b), districts must follow these Guidelines for Multihazard Emergency Operations when adopting and implementing their EOP.
  • Texas School Mental Health Best Practices
    • To help districts meet Texas Education Code 37.108(f)(6)(B) and (C) the Texas Education Agency (TEA) coordinated with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and Education Service Centers (ESCs) to annually review a list of recommended best-practice based programs, and research-based practices, for public schools. In collaboration, these entities have compiled the Mental and Behavioral Health Recommended Best Practices and Programs Repository. The repository includes important practices and programs for school leader's consideration. These resources are intended to support mental and behavioral health along with academic achievement.
  • Federal Resources

  • ICS Forms Index
    • This FEMA website contains a list of all the ICS forms your local Emergency Operations Center may require you to use during incidents.
  • IS-29: Public Information Officer Awareness
    • This is a free online course designed to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the Public Information Officer (PIO) role. Additionally, it can provide those in executive level roles the necessary knowledge of PIO roles and responsibilities during an incident.
  • NIMS Implementation Activities for Schools and Higher Education Institutions
    • This excellent document will assist schools and higher education institutions with understanding the value of and how to implement the National Incident Management System.