School Safety Spotlight Program

Overview of Recipients

txssc star - indicates an overall recipient for fiscal year.

Spring 2024

Nathan Flores, Texas Southmost College txssc star
Collaborative Community Partnerships

Nathan Flores

Texas Southmost College (TSC), located in Brownsville, Texas along the United States/Mexico Border and adjacent to a high-traffic port of entry, has implemented a hybrid security model consisting of a contracted armed security presence 24/7 and contracted off-duty Brownsville Police Department personnel during peak operations, as well as support from local, state, and federal emergency first responders in the event of an active attack.

To support coordination and best practices within this hybrid model, TSC hosted an active attack, full-scale, multi-jurisdictional exercise with local, state, and federal partners. Under the leadership of Nathan Flores, students, faculty, staff, and community partners were involved in the design and implementation of the exercise. The design began with a discussion-based tabletop exercise that included a senior agency leadership meeting and agency representative stakeholder planning. TSC’s safety and security team implemented an incident command system, which provides a structure for organizing, training, and equipping stakeholders with sound emergency responses to the college. Participating exercise players represented a cross-section of neighboring local, state, and federal agencies.

The exercise provided emergency first responders – both law enforcement organizations and emergency medical service organizations – a unique opportunity to practice coordination and communication in a fictitious active attack scenario to better understand, prepare for, and respond to potential incidents on the TSC campus.

“What I enjoy most about my role as the emergency management coordinator is the transformative opportunity it provides to personally contribute to and partner with like-minded internal and external stakeholders regarding the overall safety enhancement of our campus community. The active attack tabletop exercise I facilitated and the subsequent active attack full-scale drill I directed exemplify the power of a collaborative community. Together, these exercises have significantly improved coordination and communication among the surrounding emergency first responder agencies.” - Nathan Flores

Officer Michelle Contreras, Southside ISD
Outstanding Individual Service

michelle contreras

As the school resource officer, Michelle Contreras is deeply committed to engaging and involving students, staff, and community partners in creating a safer environment at Menchaca Early Childhood Center. Officer Contreras fosters a culture of creativity and empowerment, encouraging students to contribute their ideas and perspectives to campus safety initiatives. Through art projects, storytelling sessions, and classroom discussions, she invites children to explore concepts of safety in ways that resonate with their developmental stage.

Officer Contreras fosters open communication channels within the school community. She encourages students, staff, and parents to voice their concerns and share any potential safety-related issues they may encounter. She provides comprehensive training sessions to educate staff members on emergency procedures, risk assessment techniques, and best practices for maintaining a secure learning environment. She actively engages in preventative measures and collaborates closely with school administrators to develop emergency response protocols, ensuring swift and coordinated action in any unforeseen event. She conducts thorough assessments of the school's physical infrastructure, identifying potential vulnerabilities and recommending targeted improvements to mitigate risks.

Her role extends far beyond that of a traditional law enforcement officer; she is a catalyst for change, continuously seeking ways to enhance safety protocols and cultivate a culture of preparedness.

"What I love most about being a School Resource Officer in Southside ISD is the opportunity to make a real difference in children's lives. Knowing that I play a role in keeping them safe and helping create a positive and nurturing environment for their growth and development is incredibly rewarding. It's not just about enforcing rules; it's about building trust, fostering relationships, and being there for them when they need guidance or support. Seeing them thrive and knowing that I've contributed to their well-being is truly fulfilling." - Officer Michelle Contreras

Jasmine Gaines, Grand Prairie ISD
Positive Climate and Prevention Programs

jasmine gaines

Jasmine Gaines serves as the Student Mental Health and Safety Advisor and the Interim Director of the School Climate Transformation Grant for Grand Prairie ISD (GPISD). She leads the district’s School Suicide Prevention Committee and oversees Suicide Risk Assessments. Her team uses Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS), an evidence-based, three-tiered framework to improve and integrate the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. She also helps educate district staff on mental health and ensures that staff are aware of how to identify students experiencing mental health crisis, suicidal thoughts, or actual harm to self.

Ms. Gaines has implemented programs to promote school safety and a positive school climate, including Sandy Hook Promise’s Start with Hello and Say Something trainings. Kindness Crews at each campus conduct acts of kindness, which have helped students become more inclusive and reduce bullying. Handprints on Hearts, a mentoring program, pairs staff members with students who are at risk due to suicidality, behavior, academics, or other social emotional factors, giving students a trusted adult in their life. Jasmine also makes sure students are aware of the GPISD anonymous reporting system STOP IT. These programs together influence and shape safety and security throughout the district.

“Being part of a team that implements evidence-based practices and innovative initiatives to address mental health, promote emotional well-being, and ensure equity, while collaborating with stakeholders to develop strategies for enhancing school safety measures, brings me immense satisfaction. However, I can honestly say that the joy of seeing students thrive academically, emotionally, and socially in a nurturing and conducive school climate is the most gratifying part of what I do.” - Jasmine Gaines

Michael Lemish, Argyle ISD
Staff Development and Training

michael lemish

Safety and Security Coordinator, Michael Lemish, has been instrumental in implementing comprehensive safety and security awareness training programs for Argyle ISD staff. He has gone above and beyond the standard requirements by designing and delivering training sessions that address critical areas such as armed staff tactical response, emergency medical response, access control, and intruder assessments.

Mr. Lemish was instrumental in the creation and development of the Armed Staff Program in Argyle ISD in 2014. Since its creation, he has brought innovative ideas, meticulous organization, and extensive training requirements to the program. He developed a rigorous training curriculum that ensures armed staff members are prepared to handle potential threats while prioritizing the safety of students and staff.

Mr. Lemish also plays a key role in the development and implementation of the district's multi-hazard emergency operations plan. He collaborates with school administrators, law enforcement agencies, and community stakeholders to create a comprehensive plan that outlines clear procedures for responding to emergencies and safeguarding the school community

Through his unwavering commitment to staff development and training and his exceptional leadership skills, Michael Lemish exemplifies the qualities of a dedicated and visionary safety and security professional.

“As a former educator, I truly enjoy the opportunity to marry my passion for school safety with my desire to educate and empower our students, staff, and community in prevention and response to emergencies. Whether working with our Armed Staff Program, working with our staff on emergency response procedures, or helping our students and parents better understand school safety, I enjoy creating partnerships that work to keep our schools and community safe.” - Michael Lemish

Junior Safety Patrol, Joshua ISD txssc star
Student-Led Groups or Programs

Junior Safety Patrol, Joshua ISD

Under the guidance of their mentor, Lori Jones, and in collaboration with school administrators, the Junior Safety Patrol members at Staples Elementary in Joshua ISD serve as extra eyes and ears on campus. Their presence enhances awareness of safety and security measures, contributing to a safer environment for all students, staff, and visitors.

Junior Safety Patrol meets weekly to discuss and address potential security concerns. Their proactive approach includes conducting both interior and exterior walkthroughs of campus. Members serve as a bridge between students and adults by alerting staff to potential safety issues, highlighting their role as trusted confidants within the school community. Through their exemplary behavior and dedication, they set a high standard for their peers to follow, fostering a culture of responsibility and mutual support within the school.

By actively participating in the Junior Safety Patrol, students not only develop leadership skills but also cultivate a sense of responsibility towards their peers and school community. Their attentiveness and dedication contribute significantly to the overall safety culture of the school, creating a sense of reassurance and confidence among students, staff, and parents alike.

“I have learned that teamwork helps everyone on this campus. I also learned that helping people makes people happy. I made new friends. It also brings out our niceness. It makes me feel responsible. I love helping people. I also love making people feel safe. Having a safe learning environment equals more learning.” - Nathan C.

“To me, what it means to be in the Junior Safety Patrol is that I show respect, responsibility, and self-control.” - Carter W.

“We treat students and teachers with the exact same respect. Safety Patrol helps in the morning and afternoon. We have meetings every Friday to improve the way we patrol. I learn so many things from being in Safety Patrol, like learning how to take directions better. Safety in the school has improved since Safety Patrol has come.” - Logan H.

“I love being able to help kids and give out stickers to give them a smile on their faces!” - Riley F.

“I can help other kids and keep them safe. A lot of little kids run up to me in the morning because I treat them like my babies. I love everyone in my school including my Safety Patrol Monitor. Her name is Mrs. Jones, and she is the best!” - Bri B.

Fall 2023

Farmers Branch Fire Department, Carrollton Fire Department, and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Collaborative Community Partnerships

Farmers Branch Fire Department, Carrollton Fire Department, and Carrollton-Farmers Branch

The Farmers Branch and Carrollton Fire Marshals along with the Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD (CFBISD) Fire Prevention Training Coordinators developed a video for CFBISD teachers and staff members addressing the most common hazards found during fire code compliance inspections.

They made a "DYNAMIC" decision to put the blame for the classroom hazards on a trio of supervillains and have Batman and Robin (the 1960s hokey version), with the help of the Fire Marshals, save the day by eliminating the dangers. This video is used for staff development and provides a refreshing break from traditional training videos. The video is also shown to students, who love the references and jokes. The video highlights safety techniques to prevent fire hazards and emergencies.

District staff (educators and administrators), community partners (Carrollton Fire Department, Farmers Branch Fire Department, City of Farmers Branch, CFBISD) served as actors and narrators. You can view the video on YouTube.

“It's an honor to be recognized through the School Safety Spotlight Program. We wanted to take on the challenge of creating a video that was light-hearted, short, informative, and definitely entertaining on how to maintain fire safety and fire code compliance in the schools. Credit for the success of this video goes to everyone involved in the production, especially Wendi Kimpton, Farmers Branch Fire Prevention Training Coordinator, for doing an amazing job on leading the way on making CFBISD schools a safer place to work and learn!” - Tim Dedear, Fire Marshal

Keith Chapman, Crandall ISD txssc star
Outstanding Individual Service

keith chapman

Keith Chapman serves as Executive Director of Emergency Operations and Security Management for Crandall ISD. Through risk assessments, mitigation strategies, response protocols, training and drills, partnerships with local law enforcement and emergency services, and communication with staff, students, and parents, Keith has significantly improved Crandall ISD’s emergency response capabilities.

He created Security Shorts, a series of quick safety and security videos targeted specifically to parents and community members, students, and staff. He constantly conducts interior and exterior door checks and created a "Fortress Award" for principals to highlight this important topic. Keith recognizes that safety extends beyond physical security. He serves as the contact for the Behavioral Threat Assessment Team and has contributed insights into the importance of addressing mental health and student well-being as critical components of safety and security.

Keith's dedication to community engagement has fostered a sense of shared responsibility for safety, resulting in stronger ties between the school and local emergency services, as well as increased awareness and participation among parents and students in safety-related activities.

“My mission in Crandall ISD is that students have a safe place for learning, and everyone goes home safely at the end of each school day!” - Keith Chapman

Amy Cmaidalka and the Gator Wellness Center, Dickinson ISD txssc star
Positive Climate and Prevention Programs

Gator Wellness Center

The Gator Wellness Center (GWC) in Dickinson ISD provides a holistic approach dedicated to the mental and emotional wellness of students, families, and staff. Through collaboration with community partners, the GWC is the central hub for a circle of care.

Created by Amy Cmaidalka, the GWC champions prevention programs, character education, mental health training and supports, trauma-informed practices, community and family engagement, community partnerships, counseling, suicide prevention, and crisis response. Students can see a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed professional counselor for free through the University of Texas Medical Branch’s Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine.

The GWC offers resources that staff and families can access through community partners, including the Family Service Center, Communities in Schools, Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol, DePelchin, Gulf Coast Center, Community Health Network, Wonders & Worries, Bo's Place, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, and more.

Amy uses data to drive the GWC and involves students through needs assessments and individual meetings on campuses. By supporting and advocating for mental health supports, the district is addressing safety and security. To learn more about the Gator Wellness Center, visit

“Gator Wellness is a holistic approach dedicated to the mental and emotional wellness of students, families, staff, and community members. Gator Wellness is a proactive process that is implemented from birth on and is a part of our everyday environment. The framework supports students, staff, families, and the community. The overall vision for the program is ‘Wellness.’ Dickinson ISD is dedicated to the mental health awareness, prevention, comprehensive school counseling program, trauma-informed practices, social emotional learning, character development, and crisis response components of this process. Gator Wellness is an evolving process that expands based on data and needs. The partnerships are what make it possible to support ‘our village.’ I am proud of everyone that is dedicated and supportive of Gator Wellness.” - Amy Cmaidalka

Blinn College District Police Department CAST Team txssc star
Staff Development and Training

blinn college CAST team

The Blinn College District Police Department - Civilian Active Shooter Training (CAST) Team is a team of professional instructors who have dedicated themselves to becoming experts in campus safety. Each member holds ALERRT (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training) Level 2 Instructor Certifications. The CAST Team expanded their initial offering of basic ALERRT Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) training to include training in dynamic active shooter events, tourniquets, situational awareness, leadership, and safety awareness at New Student Orientation.

The CAST Team developed a dynamic scenario-based training that considers the college atmosphere. In this training, team members not only teach Avoid, Deny, Defend from ALERRT but also allow participants to physically move and barricade themselves in a classroom. The trainings address what happens to the body under high stress, how to combat the effects of stress, effective communication, and the importance of teamwork. Lastly, instructors inform participants how to report concerning behaviors to help keep the school community safe. The CAST Team has provided training to more than 600 faculty, staff, and students throughout the district's five campuses.

“What began as a simple initiative to provide actionable and relevant information to faculty and staff regarding response to active shooter and active threat situations a little over a year ago, has grown into a dynamic suite of training courses that has resulted in the provision of exceptional content to over 600 of our faculty, staff, and students in a variety of formats. Civilian Active Shooter Training (CAST), Situational Awareness Training, Leadership Training, and Torniquet Training have become regularly instructed programs across the district and remain in demand. To say that I am incredibly proud of the passion and quality that this core group of Blinn College District Police Department instructors has exhibited would be a tremendous understatement. These are not “sit-and-get” classes, but “up-out-of-your-seat” practical seminars that have provided invaluable benefit to the safety and security of all of our campuses.” - John R. Chancellor, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Coordinator

Mart High School Teen CERT, Mart ISD
Student-Led Groups or Programs

mart high school teen cert members

The goal of the Mart High School Teen Community Emergency Response Team (MHS Teen CERT) program is to train students to respond in times of disaster. Students are trained in accordance with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician skills – beyond the required CERT training. Members practice skills that can be applied to real-life emergencies and then take these skills and share them with others in the school and community.

By the end of the CERT course, students are able to manage utilities and put out small fires; treat the three killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock; provide basic medical aid; search for and rescue victims safely; and organize themselves and volunteers to respond effectively to emergency situations.

MHS Teen CERT members train students and staff in basic first aid and life-saving skills such as CPR and bleeding control. The team helps lead safety drills and reports back to the administration. This program gives students an opportunity to practice higher level critical thinking skills and solve problems as a team as well as an individual. If or when a disaster occurs, these students will have had the practice they need to medically treat, rescue, and save others.

“We feel safer having taken the course and more equipped to handle emergencies, and we feel empowered to share our skills and knowledge with others.” - Zach Medlock, Chesney Brock, Mariah Mayes, and Addison McLean
Mart High School Teen CERT Members

txssc star - indicates an overall recipient for fiscal year.